Sunday, 31 January 2010


Assalamualaikum wbt...

Hari ini cuaca mendung dan sejuk..menghadkan pergerakan untuk keluar rumah bersama zameer...berkurung dalam rumah membuatkan diri sungguh bosan...Padahal banyak yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengisi masa dengan lebih bermanfaat...cuma,disebabkan mood bosan telah menyelubungi diri,maka banyak krja yang ditangguhkan...
Youtube,Facebook,emel sudah berkali kali dibuka...cuma hari ni sungguh gembira kerana dapat mendengar dan menghayati satu lirik lagu dari kumpulan SMAP...kumpulan ni sangat terkenal di jepun...imej baik yag ditonjolkan melonjakkan lagi nama mereka hingga hari ini...
 ini adalah terjemahan lirik lagu nya:

Sekai Ni Hitotsu Dake No Hana

(A Flower There's Only One Of In The World)

Hanaya no misesaki ni naranda                        I looked at all kinds of flowers
Ironna hana wo mite ita                                   Lined up in front of the flower shop
Hito sorezore konomi wa aru kedo                  Each person prefers a different type
Doremo minna kirei da ne                               But they’re all beautiful
Kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante          None of them fight
Arasou koto mo shinaide                                 Over who’s the best
Baketsy no naka hokorashige ni                      They just stand up tall and proud
Shanto mune wo hatte iru                                In their buckets

Sore na no ni bokura ningen wa                       So how come we people
Dousjite kou mo kurabetagaru?                      Want to compare ourselves like this?
Hitori hitori chigau no ni sono naka de           Why do we want to be the best

Ichiban ni naritagaru?                                     When everybody’s different?

Sou sa bokura wa                                            Yes, each of us is
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana                         A flower there’s only one of in the whole world
Hitori hitori chigau tane wo motsu                 Each of us has their own seeds
Sono hana wo sakaseru koto dake ni             So let’s just do our best
Isshoukenmei ni nareba ii                              To make them grow into flowers

Komatta you ni warainagara                         There are people whose smiles are strained
Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru                            Because they’re completely lost
Ganbatte saita hana wa doremo                    But it doesn’t matter
Kirei dakara shikata nai ne                 Because every flower that’s worked so hard to grow is beautiful
Yatto mise kara dete kita                             Eventually someone came
Sono hito ga kakaete ita                              out of the flower shop
Irotoridori no hanataba to                           Carrying a bunch of flowers in all different colours
Ureshisou na yokogao                                 His face looked so happy

Namae mo shiranakatta keredo                   I didn’t know his name
Ano hi boku ni egao wo kureta                    But he gave me a smile
Daremo ki zukanai you na basho de            Like a flower that had bloomed
Saiteta hana no you ni                                 In a place nobody had noticed

Sou sa bokura wa                                        Yes, each of us is
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana                     A flower there’s only one of in the whole world
Hitori hitori chigau tane wo motsu             Each of us has their own seeds
Sono hana wo sakaseru koto dake ni         So let’s just do our best
Isshoukenmei ni nareba ii                           To make them grow into flowers

Chiisai hana ya ookina hana                         Little flowers and big flowers
Hitotsu toshite onaji mono wa nai kara       Not one is the same as another
Number one ni naranakutemo ii                 You don’t need to be number one
Motomoto tokubetsu na only one              You’re special, the only one of you, to begin with

Kesimpulan yang boleh diambil disini ialah,setiap insan yang Allah ciptakan berbeza,tidak kira dari segi kebolehan,rupa paras...

Jangan sesekali mengharapkan penghargaan dari manusia,kerana kita akan kecewa seandainya tidak dihargai...
namun,lumrah manusia ingin dihargai...
kekadang kita hanya mengharapkan insan yang paling hampir dengan kita menunjukkan @ melafazkan peghargaan @ pujian tanpa diminta,kerana itu akan menunjukkan kita dihargai dan disayangi...namun setiap kali itu lah,kita akan kecewa..
jesteru,kepada siapakah lagi kita menaruh harapan?


Assalamualaikum wbt...

Semalam selepas menghadiri kelas nihonggo,aku dan keluarga memenuhi jemputan dari Nik di Totsuka...Kami berada disana tidak lama,dek kerana masih mempunyai urusan lain yang mesti di siapkan...Sebelum kami balik ke rumah,kami singgah di sebuah kedai runcit (My Basketto) untuk membeli barang2 dapur...
Antara yang di beli oleh kami ialah strawberi...Sewaktu jurujual tersebut hendak memasukkan strawberi ke dalam plastik,entah macam mana dia seperti tertekan strawberi itu dan dikhuatiri strawberi itu terpenyek....Aku sebenarnya tidak perasan pun bahawasanya dia tertekan strawberi itu...namun dia terus menjelaskan supaya aku memilih strawberi yang lain...
Di luar kedai itu,aku mengagumi sikap jurujual itu yang jujur..seandainya di Malaysia,semestinya sikap begini tidak di amalkan...
kenapa mereka,yang non muslim dapat bersikap sedemikian...kenapa kita muslim yang sememangnya telah di ajar oleh Rasulullah saw...tidak dapat bersikap JUJUR?..bukan ini sahaja yang membuktikan bahawa orang jepun ini jujur,ada macam2 kisah lagi yang membuktikan bahawasanya mereka jujur..

Diriwayatkan daripada Hakim bin Hizam r.a katanya: Daripada Nabi s.a.w, baginda bersabda: Penjual dan pembeli diberi kesempatan berfikir selagi mereka belum berpisah. Sekiranya mereka jujur serta membuat penjelasan mengenai barang yang dijual belikan, mereka akan mendapat berkat dalam jual beli mereka. Sekiranya mereka menipu dan merahsiakan mengenai apa-apa yang harus diterangkan tentang barang yang dijual belikan akan terhapus keberkatannya .

Semoga kita sentiasa bersikap jujur dan amanah dalam hidup kita yang mengimpikan Syurga yang abadi..

Friday, 29 January 2010

Nota nihonggo

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Esok ,sabtu rutin mingguan aku akan ke kelas nihonggo...
shukudai (homework) Alhamdulillah hampir siap,cuma menunggu hubby cek balik samada betul atau salah.
disini aku kompilasikan kembali nota2 nihonggo sepanjang yang telah aku pelajari,untuk simpanan dan panduan diriku.

  • Days = Nichi
Sunday -Nichiyoubi                       
Monday- Getsuyoubi
Tuesday- Kayoubi
Wednesday- Suiyoubi
Thursday- Mokuyoubi
Friday- Kinyoubi
Saturday- Doyoubi

P/S: (Nak Gi Ke SMK Do)

  • Months -Gatsu
January- Ichigatsu

February- Nigatsu
March- Sangatsu
April- Shigatsu
May- Gogatsu
June- Rokugatsu
July- Shichigatsu
August- Hachigatsu
September- Kugatsu
October- Juugatsu
November- Juuichigatsu
December- Juunigatsu

  • Seasons= kisetsu
Spring Haru
Summer Natsu
Autumn Aki
Winter Fuyu

  • Days of the month
1st of May Gogatsu Tsuitachi
2nd of May Gogatsu Futsuka
1st Tsuitachi
2nd Futsuka
3rd Mikka
4th Yokka
5th Itsuka
6th Muika
7th Nanoka
8th Yooka
9th Kokonoka
10th Tooka
11th Juuichi nichi
12th Juuni nichi
13th Juusan nichi
14th Juuyokka
15th Juugo nichi
16th Juuroku nichi
17th Juushichi nichi
18th Juuhachi nichi
19th Juuku nichi
20th Hatsuka
21st Nijuuichi nichi
22nd Nijuuni nichi
23rd Nijuusan nichi
24th Nijuuyokka
25th Nijuugo nichi
26th Nijuuroku nichi
27th Nijuushichi nichi
28th Nijuuhachi nichi
29th Nijuuku nichi
30th Sanjuu nichi
31st Sanjuuichi nichi

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Ahmad Saifuzzameer Bin Saifulza

Pengembaraan diri mu di dunia fana ini bermula tanggal tarikh 14/7/2008 @ 4.20pm di HUSM Kubang Kerian setelah 38minggu menumpang di uterus ibu... Alhamdulillah selama mengendong mu dalam uterus ibu,tidak banyak masalah yang dialami,
bermula dari awal sedari jantung mu sudah mula berdegup sehinggalah diri mu sudah mula menendang2 uterus ibu bermain keriangan...
semua itu adalah suatu kegembiraan bagi ibu...
walaupun ibu tidak mempunyai begitu banyak masa menghargai detik2 manis itu,
walaupu ibu terpaksa berpenat lelah kesana kemari berkejar kejar demi tugas, namun ibu tidak pernah lupa akan kehadiran diri mu...
Hinggalah tiba saat ibu harus berjuang bermati-matian demi merealisasikan impian dirimu yang ingin melihat dunia ini...
Dunia yang penuh dengan pancaroba,dunia yang penuh dengan onak duri bagi mereka yang ingin berjalan terus menuju Syurga...
Ibu sentiasa memasang angan angan agar dirimu dapat menjadi anak yang soleh,muslim yang sejati yang tegar dengan ujian2 hidup yang terus terusan menguji.
Pejam celik pejam celik,kini Zameer sudah berumur 1 tahun 6 bulan...pelbagai ragam dan perangai saban hari mencuit dan menceriakan ibu.Semua itu suatu kegembiraan dan hadiah dari Allah yang tidak ternilai harganya. Walaupun kekadang ibu meninggikan suara,menengking diri mu ,namun ingatlah bahawa itu semua tidak lain hanya ingin mendidikmu ,mengajar dirimu apa yang betul dan apa yang salah...
Harapan ibu hanya satu, Zameer menjadi anak yang soleh, yang dapat mendoakan ibu dan ayah apabila kami sudah tiada di dunia fana ini... Ameen

Perjalanan kita masih jauh,masih berliku liku...namun InsyaAllah ibu akan terus bersemangat dan sentiasa berada disisi mu...
Terima kasih Ya Allah atas kurniaan Mu yang tidak ternilai ini

(saat diri mu baru sehari melihat dunia)

eczema / atopic dermatitis / kulit kering

Ahmad Saifuzzameer ,anak ku kini berusia 1 tahun 6bulan. Kini hampir 10 bulan dia berada di Yokohama, Jepun untuk bersama2 ayah. Ayah menyahut seruan Rasulullah untuk 'menuntut ilmu sampai ke negeri China'...tapi ayah sampai ke negara Jepun...hehehe.

Sekarang di Yokohama musim sejuk...kekadang suhu mencecah 0 darjah..sejuk...cuma disini ada heater,untuk memanaskan rumah...24jam heater bekerja...kulit zameer memang tak sesuai untuk berada di kawasan yang humidity nya tinggi...sekarang ni kulit zameer sangat kering, kasar dan merah merah...memang dari kecil lagi kulitnya agak sensitif ,andai ibu salah makan ,lambat tukar pampers,lambat basuh mulut pun ,merah2 dikulitnya akan timbul.

Eczema / atopic dermatitis telah didiagnos sewaktu dia kecil dahulu. Di Malaysia,sekiranya dia dimandikan dengan mandian dan cream yang dibekalkan dari klinik ,InsyaAllah kulitnya akan licin cantik..
sabun Isoderm dan cream (corticosteroid dan pure petroleum jelly/vaseline) adalah antara ubat yang dipakainya...

dibawah ni ada fakta tentang eczema @ atopic dermatitis,untuk rujukan diriku dan dikongsi bersama.

 a skin rash that often appears in the first year of life.
 Eczema usually shows up on a baby's forehead, cheeks, and scalp, but it can spread to the arms, legs, chest, or other parts of the body.

The rash might look like dry, thickened, scaly skin, or it might be made up of tiny red bumps that can blister, ooze, or become infected if scratched.
Eczema isn't contagious, but because it's intensely itchy, scratching can be a problem.

What causes eczema?

No one knows for sure, but we do know that the tendency to have eczema is often inherited.
So your baby is more likely to have it if you or a close family member has had eczema, asthma, or allergies.

Eczema is not an allergic reaction to a substance, but it can be triggered by allergens in your baby's diet — or in your diet if you're breastfeeding.
The rash can also be aggravated by heat, irritants that come in contact with your baby's skin (like wool or the chemicals in some soaps, lotions, and detergents), changes in temperature, and dry skin.

How common is eczema?

About 20 percent of infants and young children have eczema. It usually starts in infancy, with 65 percent of patients developing symptoms in the first year of life and 90 percent developing symptoms before age 5. About 60 percent of cases persist into adulthood, although many babies with the condition improve by the age of 2.

What can I do to treat my baby's eczema?

Eczema news update: A study published in the May 2009 issue of Pediatrics tested treatments on kids with eczema ages 6 months to 17 years. They found that soaking for five to ten minutes twice a week in a diluted bleach bath (1/2 cup bleach per full standard-size tub) was five times more effective at treating eczema than plain water (used by the placebo group). The improvement was so dramatic that researchers stopped the study early to allow children in the placebo group to get relief with the method. Try it! (But ask your child's doctor first.)

Taking good care of your baby's skin is crucial. Here are some tips:

Try to keep your baby's skin from becoming too dry. Talk with her doctor about how often to bathe her. Many experts now believe that daily bathing can be helpful for babies with eczema. Just don't make the water too warm, because very warm water dries out the skin faster than lukewarm water.

Use a mild soap, and wash and shampoo your baby at the end of her bath so she isn't sitting in soapy water. As soon as you get your baby out of the tub, pat her skin dry (don't rub), then promptly apply a liberal amount of moisturizer or emollient — an ointment, cream, or lotion that "seals in" the body's own moisture.

"I recommend emollients for children of all ages," says Michael Smith, associate professor of medicine and pediatrics in the division of dermatology at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville. Smith suggests trying an emollient for a short period of time to see whether it makes a difference and continuing it if it does.

Allow your baby's skin to breathe (and not become overheated) by dressing her in smooth natural fabrics, like cotton. Avoid wool and other scratchy materials, which can irritate her very sensitive skin.

Switch to mild, fragrance-free soaps and shampoos, or those made for sensitive skin. Use mild, fragrance-free detergent for washing your baby's clothes and bedding. Avoid fabric softeners.

Rapid changes in temperature can make eczema worse, so try not to let your baby get too hot and then cool quickly, or vice versa.

Help your baby avoid scratching. She may try to get relief by scratching with her hands or by rubbing her face against the sheet when she sleeps. But scratching and rubbing can further irritate or inflame her skin and make matters much worse.

Use the softest sheets possible in her crib, and keep her nails short. Put her to bed with cotton mittens or socks on her hands, if she'll tolerate them.

During a flare-up, you can try applying cool compresses to the area several times a day, followed by a moisturizer.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

belajar nihonggo/ japanese language

Assalamualaikum wbt...

             Setiap Sabtu dari pukul 1.30pm - 3pm, aku akan ke kelas nihonggo yang terletak di Hodogaya Interational Centre...lebih kurang 15minit dari rumah dengan menaiki basikal...Biasanya dalam pukul 1pm aku akan keluar bersama-sama jiranku ,Ita san... Actually dari bulan 10 lagi aku telah menghadiri kelas ini...tiada bayaran dikenakan ,kelas ini dikendalikan oleh sukarelawan2 nihonjin ...agak crowded kelasnya yag terdiri dari pelbagai bangsa dan negara...Disini adalah antara nota notaku yang telah dipelajari :

Ini adalah basic japanese characters yang perlu dihafal...seolah2 ia adalah alphabets yang perlu di ingat, namun ia hanyalah sebutan2...
Hiragana biasanya digunakan untuk perkataan2 original jepun sahaja,bunyi2,
manakala Katakana pula digunakan untuk menulis perkataan2 'asing' dalam jepun @ 'japanize english'.
Satu lagi japanese character yang sedikit susah ialah kanji...tapi diriku belum belajar lagi...

Monday, 25 January 2010

kebosanan terserlah


Aku harus mengatasi perasaan bosan ini dengan menyibukkan diri melakukan perkara2 yang bermafaat...jika tidak masa yang akan ku lalui setiap hari tersangat lambat dan lembap...Ya Allah,tologlah hamba Mu ini yang terlalu lemah dan hina..Bantulah aku dalam mencari Redha MU.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

aku ini lilin atau pelita?

lilin atau pelita...
Yang mana satu adalah diriku...
aku ingin menjadi pelita,membakar diri untuk menerangi insan lain,
tapi diriku turut mendapat manfaat dan kebaikan ...
namun saban hari aku merasakan aku seperti lilin...
Demi untuk menerangi insan lain,diri ku turut terkoban...
Keputusan ini memang tidak sepatutnya aku lakukan dari awal lagi...
namun aku tidak dapat berpatah balik...
tidakdapat memutar kembali waktu..
kerana bimbang ramai insan yang akan kecewa...
walaupun ia satu kepuasan bagi diriku...
Apa dan siapa yang aku patut persalahkan?
aku atau siapa?
akhirnya segala-galanya akan tertuding ke arah diriku...
sampai masanya mungkin aku harus memekakkan telinga,
membutakan mata, mematikan sel-sel otakku
utuk melakukan apa yang aku ingin lakukan.


Thursday, 21 January 2010

Measles / Demam campak

Measles @ demam campak is different from chicken pox.The difference between them,i stated at the end of this notes , just as a references for me in the future

•measles is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus, specifically a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus. Morbilliviruses, like other paramyxoviruses, are enveloped, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA viruses.

• Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes and a generalized, maculopapular, erythematous rash.

• Measles is spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected person's nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol transmission), and is highly contagious—90% of people without immunity sharing a house with an infected person will catch it.

• The infection has an average incubation period of 14 days (range 6–19 days) and infectivity lasts from 2–4 days prior, until 2–5 days following the onset of the rash (i.e. 4–9 days infectivity in total).[1]
• The classical symptoms of measles include four day fevers, the three Cs—cough, coryza (runny nose) and conjunctivitis (red eyes).

• The fever may reach up to 40 °C (104 °F).

Koplik's spots seen inside the mouth are pathognomonic (diagnostic) for measles but are not often seen, even in real cases of measles, because they are transient and may disappear within a day of arising.

• The characteristic measles rash is classically described as a generalized, maculopapular, erythematous rash that begins several days after the fever starts. It starts on the head before spreading to cover most of the body, often causing itching. The rash is said to "stain", changing colour from red to dark brown, before disappearing.[citation needed]


• Complications with measles are relatively common, ranging from relatively mild and less serious diarrhea, to pneumonia and encephalitis (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis), corneal ulceration leading to corneal scarring.[5]

• Complications are usually more severe amongst adults who catch the virus.

• The fatality rate from measles for otherwise healthy people in developed countries is 3 deaths per thousand cases, or .3%.[6] In underdeveloped nations with high rates of malnutrition and poor healthcare, fatality rates have been as high as 28%.[6] In immunocompromised patients (e.g. people with AIDS) the fatality rate is approximately 30 percent.[7]


• Clinical diagnosis of measles requires a history of fever of at least three days together with at least one of the three C's (cough, coryza, conjunctivitis). Observation of Koplik's spots is also diagnostic of measles.

• Alternatively, laboratory diagnosis of measles can be done with confirmation of positive measles IgM antibodies or isolation of measles virus RNA from respiratory specimens. In children, where phlebotomy is inappropriate, saliva can be collected for salivary measles specific IgA test. Positive contact with other patients known to have measles adds strong epidemiological evidence to the diagnosis. The contact with any infected person in any way, including semen through sex, saliva, or mucus can cause infection.


• There is no cure for measles. Most patients with uncomplicated measles will recover with rest and supportive treatment.

• Some patients will develop pneumonia as a sequel to the measles.

• Other complications include ear infections, bronchitis, and encephalitis.

• Acute measles encephalitis has a mortality rate of 15%, while there is no specific treatment for measles encephalitis, antibiotics are required for bacterial pneumonia, sinusitis, and bronchitis that can follow measles. All other treatment is symptomatic, with ibuprofen, or acetaminophen to reduce fever and pain, a fast acting bronchodialater for cough.

this is the measles spot that distinguish from the chicken pox, generalised maculopapular erythematous rash

differences measles / Chicken pox

virus:      M: paramyxovirus
              C: varicella zoster virus ZV

symptoms : M:  fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes and a generalized, maculopapular, erythematous rash.

                  C:  in adolescents and adults: anorexia, myalgia, nausea, fever, headache, and malaise

                       in children: papular rash, followed by devolopment of malaise, fever [a temperature of
                      100-102F, but may be as high as 106F in rare cases], and anorexia.

Spreading method : M: through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected person's nose and mouth,
                                   either directly or through aerosol transmission), and is highly contagious
                              C: coughs or sneezes of ill individuals, or through direct contact with secretions from the

Incubation period : M: average incubation period of 14 days (range 6–19 days)
                             C:  10 to 21 days after contact with an infected person for someone to develop

Infectivity period:  M: infectivity lasts from 2–4 days prior, until 2–5 days following the onset of the rash
                                 (i.e. 4–9 days infectivity in total).[1]
                            C: infectious from 1 to 5 days before the rash appears.[4]
                                The contagious period continues until all blisters have formed scabs, which may take 5
                                 to 10 days.

chicken pox / bertih / jentungan

 last week, one of my friend asked me regarding chicken pox.Since my hypotalamus not actively storing informations and knowledges, it was a bit tough to explain regarding that topic.I need to revise again before i gave her a call to talk that topic, so that i didn't give wrong informations. Alhamdulillah, i hope it could help her a little bit...

here,i just want to share my notes . so that it can be as a references for me in the future, InsyaAllah

chicken pox :
 • highly contagious illness

• caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus ZV).

• It usually starts with vesicular skin rash mainly on the body and head rather than at the periphery and become itchy raw pockmarks which mostly heal without scarring.

• Is spread easily through coughs or sneezes of ill individuals, or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox.

• Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adult males than in adult females or children. Pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. The most common late complication of chicken pox is shingles, caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus decades after the initial episode of chickenpox

• A person with chickenpox is infectious from one to five days before the rash appears.

• The contagious period continues until all blisters have formed scabs, which may take 5 to 10 days.

• It takes from 10 to 21 days after contact with an infected person for someone to develop chickenpox.

• is often heralded by a prodrome of anorexia, myalgia, nausea, fever, headache, and malaise in adolescents and adults,

• while in children the first symptom is usually the development of a papular rash, followed by devolopment of malaise, fever [a temperature of 100-102F, but may be as high as 106F in rare cases], and anorexia.

• Rarely cough, rhinitis, abdominal pain, and gastrointestinal distress has been reported in pateints with varicella.Typically, the disease is more severe in adults

Infection in pregnancy and neonates

• For pregnant women, antibodies produced as a result of immunization or previous infection are transferred via the placenta to the fetus.[7]

• Women who are immune to chickenpox cannot become infected and do not need to be concerned about it for themselves or their infant during pregnancy.[8]

• Varicella infection in pregnant women can lead to viral transmission via the placenta and infection of the fetus.

• If infection occurs during the first 28 weeks of gestation, this can lead to fetal varicella syndrome (also known as congenital varicella syndrome).[9]

• Effects on the fetus can range in severity from underdeveloped toes and fingers to severe anal and bladder malformation. Possible problems include:

• Damage to brain: encephalitis,[10] microcephaly, hydrocephaly, aplasia of brain

• Damage to the eye: optic stalk, optic cap, and lens vesicles, microphthalmia, cataracts, chorioretinitis, optic atrophy

• Other neurological disorder: damage to cervical and lumbosacral spinal cord, motor/sensory deficits, absent deep tendon reflexes, anisocoria/Horner's syndrome

• Damage to body: hypoplasia of upper/lower extremities, anal and bladder sphincter dysfunction

• Skin disorders: (cicatricial) skin lesions, hypopigmentation

• Infection late in gestation or immediately following birth is referred to as "neonatal varicella".[11] Maternal infection is associated with premature delivery. The risk of the baby developing the

disease is greatest following exposure to infection in the period 7 days prior to delivery and up to 7 days following the birth.

• The baby may also be exposed to the virus via infectious siblings or other contacts, but this is of less concern if the mother is immune.

• Newborns who develop symptoms are at a high risk of pneumonia and other serious complications of the disease.[12]


• Exposure to VZV in a healthy child initiates the production of host immunoglobulin G (IgG), immunoglobulin M (IgM), and immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies;

• IgG antibodies persist for life and confer immunity.

• Cell-mediated immune responses are also important in limiting the scope and the duration of primary varicella infection.

• After primary infection, VZV is hypothesized to spread from mucosal and epidermal lesions to local sensory nerves.

• VZV then remains latent in the dorsal ganglion cells of the sensory nerves.

• Reactivation of VZV results in the clinically distinct syndrome of herpes zoster (i.e., shingles), and sometimes Ramsay Hunt syndrome type II


• Early rash of smallpox vs chickenpox: rash mostly on the torso is characteristic of chickenpox

• The diagnosis of varicella is primarily clinical. In a non-immunized individual with typical early nonspecific, or "prodromal", symptoms associated with the appropriate appearing rash occurring in "crops".

• Confirmation of the diagnosis can be sought through either examination of the fluid within the vesicles, or by testing blood for evidence of an acute immunologic response.

• Vesicular fluid can be examined with a Tsanck smear, or better with examination for direct fluorescent antibody.

• The fluid can also be "cultured", whereby attempts are made to grow the virus from a fluid sample. Blood tests can be used to identify a response to acute infection (IgM) or previous infection and subsequent immunity (IgG).[13]

• Prenatal diagnosis of fetal varicella infection can be performed using ultrasound, though a delay of 5 weeks following primary maternal infection is advised. A PCR (DNA) test of the mother's amniotic fluid can also be performed, though the risk of spontaneous abortion due to the amniocentesis procedure is higher than the risk of the baby developing foetal varicella


• Although there have been no formal clinical studies evaluating the effectiveness of topical application of calamine lotion, a topical barrier preparation containing zinc oxide and one of the most commonly used interventions, it has an excellent safety profile.[15]

• It is important to maintain good hygiene and daily cleaning of skin with warm water to avoid secondary bacterial infection.[16]

• Scratching may also increase the risk of secondary infection.[17]

• Addition of a small quantity of vinegar to the water is sometimes advocated.

• To relieve the symptoms of chicken pox, people commonly use anti-itching creams and lotions. These lotions are not to be used on the face or close to the eyes.

• An oatmeal bath also might help ease discomfort.[19]


• If oral acyclovir is started within 24 hours of rash onset it decreases symptoms by one day but has no effect on complication rates.

• Use of acyclovir therefore is not currently recommended for immunocompetent individuals (i.e., otherwise healthy persons without known immunodeficiency or those on immunosuppressive medication).[20]


• Infection in otherwise healthy adults tends to be more severe and active;

• treatment with antiviral drugs (e.g. acyclovir) is generally advised, as long as it is started within 24–48 hours from rash onset.[21]

• Patients of any age with depressed immune systems or extensive eczema are at risk of more severe disease and should also be treated with antiviral medication.

Suatu Permulaan

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah...

Bersyukur ke hadrat Allah swt kerana masih memberi kesempatan untuk diriku mengecap nikmat IMAN dan ISLAM.
Bersyukur yang tidak terhingga juga diriku rasakan kerana Allah masih menyayangi diriku,anak ku,suami ku,ibubapaku dan keluargaku. Nikmat yang Allah kurniakan setiap saat begitu berharga dan Allah tidak pernah lupa akan hamba Nya. kita,manusia yang sering lupa pada Nya, lupa akan kasih sayang Allah tatkala mana diri di landa kesedihan,kegagalan,kehilangan dan musibah.

Demi masa! Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian,Kecuali orang-orang yang percaya,dan membuat kerja-kerja kebaikan,dan saling berwasiat pada yang benar,dan saling berwasiat untuk bersabar. (103:1-3)

Jesteru,permulaan ini adalah  titik tolak untuk diriku terus bangkit dari lena dan alpa, penguat semangat untuk diriku kembali pada Nya.